Fest ENTschlossEN - Of strong ducks that make history

Fest ENTschlossEN - Of strong ducks that make history

A mysterious duck clan, called the interDucks, once came to Earth from a distant galaxy and have lived alongside humanity ever since. The ducks accompanied humans through the highlights of their artistic and cultural history and left traces on numerous artifacts and works of art. Since 1986, the DUCKOMENTA® art exhibition has been presenting this evidence on an international tour of art galleries and museums.

More than two million visitors have already come to see the ducks and their droppings. And now DUCKOMENTA® is coming to Velbert! Around 150 exciting, impressive and humorous exhibits can be DISCOVERED throughout the museum.

But what does Velbert have to do with the ducks? During excavation work for the new museum building, a small soldered cassette was found. For centuries, this had preserved the account book of an Erpel, who had probably brought the blacksmith's trade to Velbert. The new discovery led to further research by the museum team, which is now being presented to the public in the DUCKOMENTA® exhibition.

Die Ausstellung ist für alle Besucherinnen und Besucher zu den regulären Öffnungszeiten und zum normalen Eintrittspreis geöffnet. Die Ausstellung endet am 06. April 2025.

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