Gerne können Kinder zwischen 6 und 10 Jahre ihren Geburtstag bei uns im Museum feiern! Insgesamt können 10 Kinder an dem Geburtstag teilnehmen (inklusive Geburtstagskind). Der Geburtstag dauert 2 Stunden, inklusive einer kurzen Pause. Die Pause gestalten die Eltern selbst, z.B. mit mitgebrachtem Kuchen, Keksen und Getränken.
Sollten Sie Interesse haben, melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Wunschtermin mindestens 6 Wochen vorher bei uns. Zudem benötigen wir folgende Informationen von Ihnen: Anzahl und Alter der Kinder, Ihre Wunschtermine sowie eine Telefonnummer für Rückfragen.
Please note: The birthday "Jewel heist" is not available from October 11, 2024 to April 6, 2025 due to the special exhibition "DUCKOMENTA".
Pepe der Pirat (für Schulkinder von 6-8 Jahre) - derzeit nur unter der Woche verfügbar
Pepe is confused. The scatterbrained pirate hit his head yesterday during a big storm. As a result, he has forgotten a lot of things. On his desk he found photos of himself in unknown places and lots of keys. But he doesn't know where the places in the photos are, nor why he has all those keys. Pepe will be happy if you help him to find the places and to assign the keys. First, visit the places on the photos and try the locks. After that you will even find a treasure! Afterwards, each of you paints your own treasure box.
Costs: 120,00€
Juwelenraub (für Schulkinder von 6-10 Jahre)
A spy has found out about precious jewels in the museum and has infiltrated there as an "employee". As a team you now find yourselves in the museum. The insider teaches you numerous tricks so that you can carry out your coup unnoticed. Will you manage to find out where the jewels are hidden and bring the treasures into your possession?
Please note: The birthday "Jewel heist" is not available from October 11, 2024 to April 6, 2025 due to the special exhibition "DUCKOMENTA".
Costs: 120,00€
Auf Spurensuche (für Kinder von 8-10 Jahre)
A valuable exhibit has disappeared in the museum, but the museum staff don't know what to do! Help them find the object again in an exciting scavenger hunt through the museum and become real master detectives.
Costs: 120,00€
Pewter key casting (for children from 7-10 years)
At this children's birthday party, each of you will cast your own key out of pewter! Burners or gas cartridges are used and you work outside under a pavilion. Of course, you will also take a tour of the exhibition and get to know other very special keys - and of course you can try them out!
Costs: 180,00€